Popcorn, Swimming, Etc.

I've been having intense cravings for popcorn these past few days, so yesterday I walked to the local grocery store and picked up a six-pack box. As soon as I got home, I popped a bag in the microwave and stared at it for almost 3 minutes... it was the longest 3 minutes of my life.

Aside from indulging in my favorite snack, I also threw a few hours away watching Seasons 1-2 of THE OFFICE, which is totally my recent addiction (and by recent, I mean Spring Quarter thanks to Jenny). I had seen all of Season 4 during the last few weeks of Spring Qtr. on nbc.com and have been intending on catching myself up with the other three seasons, but it never happened. Two days ago a friend gave me a link to this site that had all three seasons streaming from random asian websites - needless to say, I was set for the week. I was so stoked to watch it that while I was talking to my friend I had already started watching the pilot.

Summer Session II has been going well for me so far and I've been swimming laps at the complex's pool. I love going there because when I usually go, there's no one else around and I have the pool to myself - which means I get to do my 60 laps without having to worry about making space for someone else. However, it doesn't mean that I am against people swimming along with me - after all, it is the people's pool, so I am more than willing to share it if needed. It's just such a bonus having all that space in the water to yourself. Today, I did 100 laps! I thought I was going to faint but I actually felt really good afterwards. I'm also really tan, and I am totally taking advantage of this weather since I know I'm not gonna have the luxury of the sun for too long. I was pretty shocked today after realizing we only have about two more weeks to go! Mother. I felt like I just got here.

I'm not gonna lie, my french class right now is hard - not impossible-hard, but really challenging-hard. Our instructor Laura is amazing, she's funny and very accommodating (which is totally important in a language class) and is very sympathetic with us because she knows how difficult our material is. This week we're tackling the conditional tense, which I will not even attempt to explain in English because I just started understanding it better in French. All I can say is, this week's material has forced me to imagine myself in bizarre situations...let's just.. leave it at that.

I haven't been running recently, and I think it's due in large part because my running buddy and I aren't doing it together and it just feels so weird running alone - even though technically I'm supposed to do it anyway. Which is why I've been swimming laps these days...I get a pretty even tan while burning those popcorn calories off. It's a win-win situation for me so I'm giving my running shoes a break. Besides, two more weeks and I'm off running 30 miles a week again! I'm gonna stick to swimming for now.