In light of my recent "baby" nervous-breakdown, I've been trying really hard to stay as happy and as positive as I can be. I managed to capture a cold and a nasty cough over the past week (which was probably due to stress) and I was starting to get really tired of being sad and depressed all the time. It takes so much effort to stay down in the dumps, not to mention moping around wasn't really getting me anywhere and I was running out of tears to cry out. Just the thought of venting to somebody about the things in my life that just won't pan out makes me want to gag myself with a spork, so I'm really enjoying the fact that finally, for the first time in about three months, I can honestly say that I'm happy and emotionally healthy.
I'm planning to stay this way for as long as I can, so I've been training myself to look past the problems I have no control over and to just enjoy the things that I have in my life right now. I'm also making a conscious effort in abolishing my long-time habit of complaining - and so far, I'm making progress (or so, I think). I realized that if I complain less, I'll probably be less unhappy - which would then make me more happy. After re-learning the lesson that happiness is a choice and not a feeling, I've been keeping tabs on myself in terms of choosing the right mindset and attitude. I've been so focused on trying to find solutions to problems I really have no solutions to that I was starting to wallow in my misery. But now that I've knocked some sense into my head, I realized that the only thing I can control is myself - so I'm choosing to smile even when life hands me a pile of manure.
With my attempts at revitalizing my life with oodles of positive energy, I'm also starting to realize that I need to be careful with the people I spend my time with. I can't be around folks who mope around all the time, or are negative, or worse, are not supportive of my goals and dreams. Very often I find myself listening to a bunch of dopes telling me I can't do certain things because of so and so reasons, but now I'm done with it. I don't need negative, debbie downers in my life. If you're here to give me a list of reasons why I simply CAN'T, then do me a favor and get away from me. Please. Go and rain on someone else's parade.
I guess you can say I'm starting to love myself again. I can't rely on other people to do that for me, and I know that I'm a much better person when I'm confident and secure in myself. Besides, happy people are more attractive in every sense of the word. So come and be happy with me!♥
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