Today I woke up knowing I had no plans. Loneliness sunk in. It was my first official day as an unemployed, college graduate with nothing in her possession but dreams. I felt like crying.
I started to question the possibilities of my dreams, which was definitely not helping the situation. Then I began to dwell on the what ifs, and I felt even worse. I am certainly not having the best day of my life. I wish I could just do the things I planned on doing already - but sadly, those things take time. And right now is not the time to do them. I have to wait...but waiting makes me anxious, doubtful, and impatient. I hate waiting. This entry isn't even coherent anymore. I'm just blabbing.
Maybe I'll go read some french fables, to keep my mind off things.
September 16, 2008 at 9:13 PM
Bianca? Form Zobel? :)
September 16, 2008 at 11:14 PM
haha yessss... Kat Lautengco??? I checked out your site and was gonna leave a comment there but I don't have an LJ acct. I miss you!!!! =]
September 18, 2008 at 12:05 AM
yup its me! grabe, its been a long time. musta ka na? ur looking really good!! added u in multiply also (same username ko..xiaotrin). nakakaliss ka! :)
September 18, 2008 at 12:06 AM
*nakakamiss correction..hehe :)
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