I should really be studying for the GREs.
Before this summer started, I made a mental list of the things I would do in the summer to keep me occupied, of which included running, practicing my french, reading, WRITING, and studying for the GREs. So far, I've only been consistent with one thing: running. Everything else seems to be a lost cause.
I tried practicing french when Tatie Rose sent us a package from France, and my mom needed a translator to figure out whether Gommage was a facial wash or a feminine wash. The chocolate was easy to figure out, and my two brothers lunged for the ones marked lait. I would've feasted on my favorite noir de noir by Cote d'Or, but that would've canceled out my running. So I stared at the mounds of chocolate and ate the tiny packet of roasted cashews instead.
Reading's a bust since I haven't picked a book to read. And the most writing I've ever done so far was on this blog, so my feature-length screenplay has yet to see the light of day.
That leaves me with studying for the GREs. I tried doing it the other day and was about to do the diagnostic test when I fell asleep. Darn. I was so close! I guess it wasn't such a fantastic idea to try and study after running 8 miles. Oh well.
Despite the disappointing turnout of my summer plans, I did accomplish something I hadn't planned on doing this summer, which is finish all 3 seasons of Arrested Development. That show is beyond amazing. I just wish I took my time and didn't watch it in haste. Now I'm left with crappy television...unless of course I study instead.
Ehhh I think I'll study tomorrow. (Yeah, right.)
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