The last blog I wrote had been published on the infamous site,, and though I don't quite remember my last entry, I can tell you right now that it was probably about something entirely mundane.
The inspiration for this new blog stems from two people: my little brother and my big brother.
These two goons created their own blogs, and I figured, hey maybe I should make one too. After all, I need to trick myself into writing everyday, and I'm hoping this can help stimulate my mind for some new story ideas (I'm a screenwriting hopeful). On another note, I'd like you to meet another source of inspiration for this blog, and his name is Norman (no, not like Norman Bates of Psycho fame).

Norman is the little pink cactus I picked up at the farmer's market about a month and a half ago. He has since graced my (often cluttered) study desk and has kept me company through the many sleepless nights I spend writing papers, screenplays and editing film. He's seen me through it all - and I figured this is the best way to thank my magically-hydrated friend. I originally wanted a dog, but our fantabulous apartment charges extra for furry friends, so I picked up a spiky plant instead. Not exactly an animal, but a living object nonetheless. I guess it could work.
I need to wrap up this post soon, considering I have about five or six papers that need to be written, one of which will be about Michael Jackson :) It's for my stardom class, which basically is about Hollywood Stars and all that apply to them. It's been tough getting into focus these days, and I don't know if it's because graduation is literally just around the corner - three weeks to be exact. People keep telling me it's just senioritis, and I never actually believed in it until these last few weeks. As much as I love school (and those who know me can attest to this), I have to admit, my body is pretty fatigued. Nonetheless, I look forward to a future filled with more learning, and the prospect of graduate school/film school only motivates me even more. :) Call me crazy, but I think school is amazing. And I'm not even kidding.
I'm hoping that sometime tonight I can make progress with these piles of papers I have to write. So I think I will sign off here. ta-ta!
May 29, 2008 at 12:22 AM
i should be seeing this little pink cactus when i come down there. it better not bite.
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